S3 (Singam III) is an upcoming 2016 Indian Tamil action film directed by Hari. A sequel to the 2013 film Singam II, the film stars Suriya, Anushka Shetty and Shruti Haasan. Devi Sri Prasad was replaced by Harris Jayaraj as the music director for the film. The film is expected to be released in theatres on 28 October 2016, with the festival of Diwali falling on its opening weekend.
Suriya as Durai Singam
Anushka Shetty as Kavya
Shruti Haasan as Vidhya
Radha Ravi as Durai Singam's father
Nassar as Mahalingam, Kavya's father
Sumithra as Durai Singam's mother
Janaki Sabesh as Bharathi, Kavya's mother
Delhi Kumar as Kavya's grandfather
Yuvarani as Duraisingam's sister
Krishna Priya Atlee as Kavya's sister
Raadhika Sarathkumar as Vidhya's Mother
Nithin Sathya
Robo Shankar
Suriya's Singam 3 Trailer | Download
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